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Innovation Hub

Holywood Innovation Hub

The Creative Innovation Hub in Holywood has been identified by Council as a key project eligible to apply for significant funding from Belfast Region City Deal.

The concept is to build an innovation hub (approximately 30,000 sqft (2,788 sqm) gross) over a number of floors providing flexible, connected and community-oriented workspace for the growing creative sector in the Holywood area.  Working with an industry partner, the Council will be designing the space specifically for individuals involved in film/TV production and digital technologies.

It will provide a platform for collaboration and networking within the new and emerging technologies sectors.  As such, it will have links directly back to Studio Ulster (BRCD project) and will look to create and inspire talent through skills development relevant to these growing sectors.

The Council is seeking a long-term partner to create and operate this site and conducted market testing in summer 2023.  This exercise helped inform the Outline Business Case that has now been submitted to draw down funding from BRCD.  

Subject to funding approval, tenders for an operator, design and build will be progressed in later 2024.  

For more information on the project please see our Holywood Hub Market Engagement Brochure (PDF) [4MB](opens new window) (NB this was produced in 2023 and some information may now be out-of-date).  


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