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Belfast Region City Deal

The highly ambitious Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD) was signed in December 2021.  The Deal represents a new way of working between central and local government and regional partners and secures a bespoke package of investment from central government and the BRCD partners of more than £850 million to support the delivery of our shared vision of:  

"Inclusive economic growth that delivers more and better jobs, a positive impact on the most deprived communities and a balanced spread of benefits across the region". 

The substantial financial commitment, which will be further supplemented by the private sector, will generate up to 20,000 jobs as  it is delivered over the next 10-15 years - an exciting, once in a generation opportunity to accelerate economic growth for the region in an inclusive and sustainable way. 

This short film outlines plans for the Belfast City Region: watch it on YouTube Belfast Region City Deal Programme (opens new window)

The Belfast Region City Deal Deal will strengthen the region's offer in growth sectors such as life and health sciences, the digital and creative industries, and advanced manufacturing. It will support next generation digital capabilities, boost tourism and support the regeneration of our region, underpinned by infrastructure developments and investment in skills to connect people to jobs and services. 

The BRCD involves an integrated programme of investment that cuts across the responsibilities of local councils, the Northern Ireland Executive and UK Government.  The BRCD partners are:   

Belfast Region City Deal Partners

The BRCD partners have worked with the UK Government and the Northern Ireland Executive to secure the Deal, with each government partner committing to invest £350m over the lifetime of the deal. 

It is estimated that over the lifetime of the programme the BRCD will: 

  • support the creation of up to 20,000 jobs as part of the high growth ambitions for the region  
  • connect local people to the new and better jobs that are being created 
  • place the region at the top table of digital innovation  
  • deliver £400million in GVA directly on-site and within the Belfast region 
  • target delivery of almost £1billion of private sector leverage in addition to the funding contributions already identified across the City Deal 
  • create compelling world class visitor attractions, that will attract visitors from across the globe 
  • help to regenerate major towns and cities across the region 

Read more about the BRCD Pillars of Investment

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