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Part One

Part 1:  Summary, Explanation and Articles of the Constitution

Article 1: (PDF) [113KB](opens new window) The powers of the Council and the purpose of the constitution 

Article 2: (PDF) [117KB](opens new window) The composition of the Council, the roles and functions of all Councillors, conduct and the scheme of allowances payable

Article 3: (PDF) [65KB](opens new window)  The rights and responsibilities of citizens 

Article 4: (PDF) [170KB](opens new window) The policy and budget framework within which the Council operates, the functions of the Council and responsibility for functions 

Article 5: (PDF) [155KB](opens new window)  The role of the Chairperson/Mayor 

Article 6: (PDF) [199KB](opens new window)  Details of the decision-making structure adopted by the Council 

Article 7: (PDF) [49KB](opens new window)  Details on the executive arrangements operated by the Council 

Article 8: (PDF) [53KB](opens new window):  Details on how the Council's overview and scrutiny arrangements will operate 

Article 9: (PDF) [80KB](opens new window) The arrangements adopted by the Council for the discharge of functions by committees 

Article 10 (PDF) [64KB](opens new window)  The operation of any joint committee's 

Article 11: (PDF) [80KB](opens new window)  The Council's management structure, the functions of chief officers, conduct and employment 

Article 12: (PDF) [133KB](opens new window)  Responsibility for decision-making, principles of decision-making, the role of the Council and committees 

Article 13 (PDF) [62KB](opens new window):  The Council's arrangements for the conduct of its financial matters, the making of contracts and the handling of legal matters 

Article 14 (PDF) [21KB](opens new window)The arrangements for the review and revision of the constitution 

Article 15: (PDF) [63KB](opens new window) Matters relating to the suspension of the constitution, its interpretation and publication. 

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