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The Mayor

The current Mayor of Ards and North Down is Councillor Alistair Cathcart

The Mayor is a representative of all the residents in Ards and North Down.  During his/her term of office, the Mayor will seek to accept invitations from all sections of the community.  Every effort will be made by the Mayor's office to ensure that the Mayor's visit to your function is a success.   

Mayoral Protocol

The following are guidelines that may prove helpful when you have invited the Mayor to your event.  Please remember that the Mayor is the first citizen of the Borough and should be afforded every privilege as such. 

  • The Mayor's secretary must be told at what time you would like the Mayor to arrive and where he/she will be met by the host i.e.. Chairman / President/ leader of your group / organisation.  It is preferable that the Mayor be escorted by such a person into and throughout the event.
  • The host should make any necessary introductions to other organisers / office bearers or special guests present.
  • When addressing the Mayor the correct term is "Mr Mayor" or "Madam Mayor."
  • Should the Mayor have a participating role in your event, the Mayor's secretary should be informed well beforehand. for example, a speech to make, a trophy to present, a ribbon to cut etc.
  • The Mayor will know from his/ her briefing from the Mayor's secretary exactly what is required from him/ her, but it is advisable that the organiser confirms all the details with the Mayor before the event begins.
  • The Mayor has precedence inside his/ her own Borough, that is, the Mayor should walk first, be announced first, spoken to/introduced first etc. The Mayor surrenders precedence only when the Lord Lieutenant is present in his official capacity representing the King.  
  • Unless the Mayor occupies the Chair at a gathering, he/ she should be seated to the immediate right of the Chair.  If a speech is requested from the Mayor it is usual that the Mayor would speak first.
  • The Mayor and Mayoress should always be seated on the platform or at the top table.
  • At the conclusion of your event, when the Mayor is leaving, he/ she should be escorted to either the door or outside to the Mayoral car.

The Mayoress or Mayor's Consort

When a male Mayor is in office, then his spouse/ partner is known as the Mayoress / Mayor's Consort of Ards and North Down and should be addressed as "Mayoress / Consort."  When a female Mayor is in office, then her spouse/ partner is known as the Mayor's Consort and should simply be addressed as "Mr / Consort".  The Mayoress or Mayor's Consort should be treated with the same courtesy as the Mayor when accompanying him/ her to an event. 


At most functions the Mayor/ Mayoress/ Mayor's Consort/ Deputy Mayor will wear their chains of office.  Civic robes are only worn at major civic occasions such as Remembrance Sunday and the wearing of robes is only at the discretion of the full Council. 

For more information please contact the Mayor's secretary on 028 91 278025 or alternatively via email on:

Please note that all sections of the Mayoral booking form must be completed.  Missing information may cause a delay in response.​


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