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Assisted bin collections

If you are unable to leave your bin to the kerbside for collection, you can apply for an 'assisted lift'.

The council will provide an assisted collection service to people unable to present their bin at the nearest adopted road for collection.  This service is validated by a technical supervisor. They carry out a risk assessment to ensure the property and location of the bin is suitable for collection without causing damage to council vehicles or injury to council staff.

If the location is suitable, the technical supervisor provides an application form which should be completed, validated by a GP and returned for processing.  There is no need to make an appointment or telephone a GP to validate a request. The form should be left at the surgery reception for a signature and stamp.

If the applicant is unable to secure their GP's stamp within a reasonable time frame, a registered health worker may validate the application.

The Cleansing Operation Manager following consultation with the Technical Supervisor carrying out the assessment can also validate requests if the applicant is having difficulties getting the form completed.

If the property, or bin location is unsuitable, the technical supervisor will advise the applicant of the reason and record this for further assessment.

The council is not responsible for the maintenance or upkeep of any non-adopted roads or laneways which council vehicles are required to use to access a property for the above service.

If the roadway/laneway should deteriorate to a condition which has the potential to cause damage to a council vehicle, or injury to collection staff, the service will be withdrawn until adequate repairs are carried out.

Residents will be given a maximum of four weeks' notice following notification to carry out repairs, or complete maintenance to trees, or hedgerows before the service is withdrawn, unless an immediate risk to vehicles or staff is identified.

To apply for an assisted lift please email stating your name, address and contact telephone number.

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