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Tree Preservation Orders and TPO Interactive Map

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a statutory protection afforded to trees under Sections 122 & 123 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (the Planning Act). Tree Preservation Orders are imposed to protect selected trees or woodland if their removal is likely to have a significant impact on the local environment and its enjoyment by the public.

There are a large number of TPOs throughout the Ards and North Down Borough.

Under Section 126 of the Planning Act, it is a criminal offence to cut down, uproot or wilfully destroy or damage, top or lop a tree protected by a TPO. On summary conviction, you could be fined up to £100,000. The Council's consent is required to carry out any works to a protected tree.

The Planning (Trees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 set out details of the form of a TPO, the procedure for their making, modification, confirmation and revocation. They also outline the procedure for making a request for work to protected trees.

Tree Preservation Orders - Interactive Map 

Welcome to the Ards and North Down Borough Interactive Tree Preservation Order (TPO) Map. The link below will navigate you an interactive map where you can search for TPOs throughout the Ards and North Down Boroughs. You will be able to search for TPOs by entering an address or simply by clicking on a particular location on the map. Details of the TPO will be provided including the TPO reference and address and you will be able to view the TPO document and relevant attached maps.

Tree Protection and Conservation Area designation webviewer

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